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Domain 4: Professional Responsibility → 4b. Student Profiles (Growth) 

        Shown here is a learning preference survey I administered to my students. This survey, given at the beginning of the Spring semester, has several domains that add up to tell you how you “prefer to learn.” This could be anything from logical learning to naturalistic to kinesthetic. I chose this artifact as a growth because I intended to build students profiles for each of my students as a way to both get to know them and to inform me on what kind of books they would like to read as a way to foster love for reading. Unfortunately, little flourished from these surveys. I took them into consideration when designing a few lesson plans, and it helped me relationship-build slightly at the beginning of the semester. 

        To improve, my hopes from doing surveys like these with new students is to organize them into concrete student profiles that I can use and reference throughout the semester. I envision this as including more and different types of interest surveys, reading experience surveys, and perhaps reading test scores as well. I believe that building student profiles such as this could aid me in helping students find books they will love.

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